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agenda for June chapter meeting

Posted over 2 years ago by Maureen Beck in monthly meeting

Gulf Coast Chapter  GAPNA

June Chapter Meeting                                                   6-09-22


Old Business:

                -April chapter meeting minutes  for approval

                - May Board meeting minutes will be posted to GAPNA exchange and ENP network

                -Nominations for President Elect was posted

- Past meetings: COVID, Death Certificates, HIV and Aging, Genetic testing for psychotropic medications, Transitional Care Management

-Meeting attendance incentive - Provide incentives to attend our chapter meetings with several stipends for $500.00 to cover most of the registration fee for the annual GAPNA conference for members who attend the April and June meetings virtually or in person.    


New Business

                Acknowledgement of current board- President, President Elect and Secretary Treasurer

                -Financial and Membership Report

Conference fee pool:  Stipends of $500 each will be provided for registration at the GAPNA national conference in September. Requirements for stipend are that member must attend, in person or virtually, the next two chapter meetings. Their names will be put in a hat to be drawn for the $500 stipends for 5 members and one board member.


                GAPNA annual conference update  September 15-17  Orlando Florida  virtual and in person


President -elect nominee: Sabrina Pickens

                                To establish the position of Archivist or Historian

                Congratulations to the new board and president  statement.

                Today’s meeting: Gemtesa (vibegron) presentation

Next meetings  will be August, October, December, February, April and June


Only active members can comment on this announcement.

To inquire about membership, please contact us.